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Dark Eldar - Update 2

No, really, there will be photos soon I promise...

You could say I am doing the meat of the army, getting 3-4 colors on 40+ wyches. I didnt think they would make very good shots, and I only like to post finished work. I am however nearing the end of the production line, and plan on getting my trueborn finished as a 'reward'.

I did also scratch build a Haemonculus, so he needs a photo too. Plus some plastic Incubi conversion that came out well.

Project wise, my next army will be Craftworld Eldar which will need a new dex and models late this year or early next. But this one has been a long-long time in the making, biding it's time but ever in my thoughts. Eventually I want 3 Eldar armies, the Dark kin, the Craftworlders and the Exodites.

But for now I have wyches to paint...

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