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I Won't Cry For You, Sophie Durocher!

I would like to answer to Sophie Durocher and her article on ethnic voters and Quebec nationalism!

I won't cry for you Sophie Durocher ...

I won't cry for you because the Greek Community supported Emmanella Lampropoulos who grew up in the community being faithful to her heritage as a Greek-Quebecer and as a Greek Canadian.

I won't cry for you Sophie Durocher who, being a journalist you should understand the real facts:
Quebecers are the 80% of this population and they don't need any extra support. They are the natural inhabitants of beautiful Quebec.

Stephan Dion did not need any extra support from Quebec.

He had it all, it was just obvious.I am sure he was endorsed by various Quebec organizations. And it was fair. 

Sophie Durocher you are the main stream.

And we proudly belong to the ethnic communities, we love, adore QUEBEC and the Quebecers and we are proud to speak three languages.

Maybe you should start learning about Quebec's diversity Sophie Durocher! It's never too late to stop using my beloved Jacques Parizeau's famous words against the ETHNIC VOTE!

Justine Frangouli-Argyris

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