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Yogyakarta Special Region or Iindonesian people called it as Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta abbreviated DIY, which is always referred to as Yogyakarta / Jogjakarta, is always known as a city with a myriad of cultures, arts and tourist attractions. No wonder there are many local and foreign tourists who often come to Yogyakarta. There are many people say that the city of Yogyakarta is full of memories. This time Yogyakarta held a festival that has long been known and eagerly awaited, the Yogyakarta Arts Festival is now called the Yogyakarta Culture Festival which takes place regularly every year.

The Yogyakarta Cultural Festival was once a Yogyakarta arts festival, why changed? Because of the enthusiasm and willingness to develop and expand the scope of cultural objects in Perdais No. 3 of 2017 concerning the maintenance and development of Culture, namely: Cultural Values, knowledge and technology, language, customs, noble traditions, objects and art.

This year the 2019 Yogyakarta Cultural Festival or people known as FKY 2019  has reached the age of thirty. The theme raised this year is Mulanira: Room│VarietyInteraction. Mulanira in the philosophy of Javanese language is interpreted as origin, begin, birth, prefix: What was previously set, experienced a shift that requires the ability of answers for each generation. FKY 2019 will be held from 4 July 2019 to 21 July 2019. This festival presents various activities and programs that are very valuable if you missed it.

Like last year FKY 2019 was centered in Panggungharjo Village, Sewon, Bantul. But for all the event activities will be held in several places in Yogyakarta with different programs, including:

1. Opening Parade

Since the beginning of the festival before changing its name to Yogyakarta Culture Festival, always holding Opening Parade which has become a typical tradition before the event takes place as a sign that the start of FKY 2019 which starts today is July 4, 2019 at 3:00 am in the afternoon.

The Opening Parade this time is different from previous years which will start from two different points. The first point that will start from Kepatihan, while at the second point starts from Pakualaman Square, from the two points the group will meet in the 0 kilometer point area, precisely in front of the former Sonobudoyo Building.

During this event there will be closure and diversion of traffic flow along the road that is passed by the group. This is to be a concern for people who want to cross the road at that time.

2. The Wirama-Wiraga-Wirasa

This program has three types of activities that will be held on July 8-16 2019, namely:

Wirama is an art exhibition that will be held at the Sonobudoyo Building. This exhibition will feature old works from artists. From the process of the artist's work to produce the work displayed, which will be revealed at this exhibition.

Wiraga is a Public installation exhibition located in Alun-alun Kidul. The first day of the exhibition will be held puppets all night long. Then, this exhibition will show the people who will be decorated with Javanese script as a form of traditional culture. This is one of the popular cultures.

Wirasa, this program takes the form of workshops conducted by three music artists to compose music with students in Taman Siswa, with two main material. Compose Kinanthi Sandung Composition and compose children's songs. The reference used is the "Sari Swara" method with the "Among" system.

3. Theater

The plan will be held at the Pendopo Art Space, this program will be a place of collaboration between senior directors, young directors and young actors from Gadjah Mada Theater. This activity will be held on July 17, 2019.

4.The Contemporary Stage 

This program is a contemporary stage that aims to celebrate cross-disciplinary art practices that are often carried out by Yogyakarta artists, with the theme: Electronics-Gamelan and visuals. This program will take place on July 19, 2019.

5. Folk Party in Terban Village

This program aims to bring together the potential of cultural arts in Terban Village with the thoughts of cultural figures in Terban. The program's activities are in the form of Bazaar for UMKM products, performances of blind people, macapatan and music. This activity will be held on July 13, 2019.

6. Panggih

This program was held at Pangeran Diponegoro Museum which was designed to build a space for dialogue between two cultural elements in the Javanese tradition. These elements are clothing and food that will take place on July 15, 2019.

In addition to the programs mentioned above. FKY 2019 still presents various activities and other activities for the entire community. There is Art Market which consists of 50 booths will be held every day at Kampoeng Mataraman. Then Pasar Tiban which consists of 20 creative product stands and 10 culinary stands, for this market it is only open every weekend from Friday to Sunday during the festival at Telaga Julantoro.

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