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Lil' Russ and the Worst Secretary of Defense in History

Donald Rumsfeld visited with Lil' Russ today. Really it was an exercise in classic Rumsfeld obfuscation. The election was a magnificent example of democracy in action. He simply doesn't accept the notion that Iraqis will want a "small group of mullahs" running the country. Predictably, Lil' Russ used the big down pillow gloves on Rummy. Lil' Russ confronted him with one prior statement Rummy made from a year ago stating that there were 210,000 troops while Biden says there are 4000. Rummy did his usual hand-jive and Lil' Russ let him off the hook.

How many security officers do we need? As many as are needed. No kidding, that was his answer. "Noone predicted the level of the insurgency as it is today." Wha? Say that again, didn't predict the level of the insurgency. Did Russ follow up on that comment? Nope. Instead of walking through that open door, Russert stuck to script and asked him one more time. His response? You gotta remember, the enemy has a brain, it is a moving target. That's why we keep sending in assessment teams.

On to our broken forces. The National Guard and Marines are not hitting recruiting goals. Will it be necessary to say to the National Guard that you are going to have to serve another 24 months? We have no plans to change the rulings and the methods at the present time. Recruiting is "generally" on track. Blah, blah, blah.

Then Lil' Russ shows him the video of the soldier asking him why they aren't as equipped as they should be. That was unfair. It was not a complete representation of his answer and at that point he read a transcript of the answer which did not change at all the tenor of his answer. Lil' Russ backed down. Completely unprepared. Rummy decided what he was going to talk about next, quickly changing the topic to comments of Sen. Collins.

As bad as Lil' Russ has been lately, today he was really off his game. He didn't have his research ready. He wasn't prepared for a combative Rumsfeld. He looked like a deer-in-the-headlights. Lil' Russ failed because he didn't do his homework. He brought up Abu Ghraib and failed to address why it is that only the lowest levels soldiers are paying the price for that debacle. Nothing of Guantanamo. Tim, you failed that one. Lil' Russ confronted Rumsfeld with one prior quote on Iraqi security force levels and the video from Kuwait. There may not be figure in the administration with a record as dismal as Rumsfeld, not to mention a record of public statements.

Next up, Sen. Kennedy.

Kennedy says it isn't about a failed Secretary of Defense but about a failed policy. Then Lil' Russ went after Kennedy and several of his prior statements regarding troop withdrawal, a war based on fraud, the war in Iraq making a mushroom cloud more likely than less less likely, that he was glad Bush was not our Prsident during the Cuban missile crisis. Lil' Russ apparently felt emasculated after his interview with Rumsfeld so he beat up on Kennedy.

Then Lil' Russ moved on to Social Security. Kennedy said it isn't a crisis. Then Russ screamed that we have $5 trillion of "unfunded mandates" and all you want to do is roll back the President's tax cuts. Russ says the Presidnet says "everything should be on the table". Does hne now? Wow. I guess we know where Lil' Russ is on the issue. Someone let Josh Marshall know that Russ is behind the President on this one.

MTP has become an exercise in futility. Every week Lil' Russ spends part of the time either fellating the administration spokesperson or getting fisted, or both. Then he feels he has been used like a cheap whore and over-compensates by getting tough on someone speaking for the other side. Fox news has it down Tim, you won't feel used if you give-in to the reality. You are as bad as them and are in bed with the administration. Let go of the pretense that you are journalist and you'll feel free. Then the rough treatment from the Repugnicans will start to feel good.

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