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Hey, it's me- Angel-Kitty!

...still a bit dazed, but intact!

Okay, my Nee Nee told me of the remarks made on my previous story about Hurricane setting off the alarm. If you missed it, here is a link to my last tale.

Anyway, now that the holidays are complete I can finally get back on here and respond and I must say, by the thoughts shared, it seems no one believed me? OR they thought I was being too hard on poor ol’ Hurricane!
Hah, last time I trust you guys to protect me!

At any rate, perhaps this narrative will convince you of my innocence.

It began like any other day; same scenario: humans getting ironed clothes on, lunches in boxes, morning meal eaten ready to head out the door and poor despicable Hurricane gives them those sad puppy dog eyes-you know the ones. Oh my gosh, I am being left all alone in this house with no one to dote on me, booo-hooo.

GeezLouise, who does he think I am? Chopped dog food?
I saunter past the ‘pathetic storm’ and whip my tail in his face…nothing!

I make another attempt. This time when I stroll by I accidently-on-purpose step on his nose… ‘Oh I am so sorry brother! I truly didn’t mean that. Did I hurt you? …truly, I’m really sorry!’~

Zero…nil…nilch~ Heavens to Betsy ‘whirlwind’, ‘Snap out of it’!
WHALLOP! I clobber him on the snout with my paw to get a response and react he did!

…the pursuit begins…OVER, UNDER, IN, OUT, BELOW, ABOVE! Hah, this is so much fun!
That is until I scurry into Little D’s closet to hide and SLAM! ….the door fastens behind me….STUCK!!…'Hey there Hurricane, could you open the door for me brother?’

‘uhhh, did I tell you that you are my favorite brother?  ...yep, love you man...’
Silence….'Hurricane? you out there?'

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