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Go, Cream-Team Bath!

Bath Spa University is famous in particular for one thing, and that is making the nocturnal lives of the city residents a misery by marauding around the streets all night, every night, in groups of about 30, pissed out of their heads and shouting as loudly as they can.

It's a shame that the cream of Bath's intelligentsia are so over-represented by these idiotic binge-drinkers, but that is the way it is I am afraid. Aside from wrapping themselves in old sheets once a year and pretending to be 'Romans' (also pissed out of their heads and shouting), this is the only noticeable effect that the university has on the town - not much else emanates from the campus, or certainly not much of an uplifting nature.

This poster of a Purcell music event by their department of music sort of sums it all up really. They make as good a job at portraying King Arthur as they do at portraying a Roman - just look at it, for God's sake.

What appears to be a student of accountancy sits atop a riding-stable hack wearing a Norman French, chain-mail hood which is not tucked into a Norman French tabard, limply raising a child's plastic sword; wearing blue denim jeans and with Doctor Marten shoes on his feet, which are tucked into the stirrups of a 2oth century saddle. I'm amazed that they haven't included a telegraph pole in the middle distance.

Do you think it is a joke which has gone over my head, or is that the best they could do for a poster? Let's hope the music's better.

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