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Frugal Happenings 4/7

Well here we are at the end of the first week of April.  How did this happen already?
We are finally getting a little better weather.  It has warmed up a little and should be decent most of the week.  We do have a prediction of that nasty four letter "S" word later in the week.  Just flurries - but still!
Things are really greening, and I see the first mowing being this week.  My forsythia are trying to bud out, and many flowers are poking their little noggins through the ground.

It has been a very quiet week.  I went out Wednesday, to make a grocery run and noticed a ways from home that the temperature gauge in the Blazer was starting to peg out at the high point.  Crap!  I knew enough to not drive it any further.  Gladly I was in a really safe and nice area.  I called AAA and they came (no extra charge) and took me and my Blazer to our shop.  The shop brought me home.  After 3 days - I got it back Saturday afternoon.  My radiator cracked down the side.  It was original (2002).  It could have been worse.
I really anticipated a huge bill - it ended up being around $360, which I didn't think was that bad - considering.  THAT is why we save!

So needless to say, I did noooooooo shopping this week.

My frugal week:
  • I did go up to the library on Monday - hadn't been in a while
  • Made an apple walnut cake with items I had on hand
  • Got to air the house many times this week
  • Only heat was first thing each morning
  • I found a sturdy wooden captain's chair (think dining room) out back in the neighbors heavy trash area.  I brought it home and will use it as a plant stand somewhere out in the yard.
  • The daffodils finally perked back up after the 20's and I picked a lovely bouquet for the kitchen
                                                         They sure make me smile!!!!!
  • I got a lot of mending done this week
  • Made up a batch of dill pickle cheese spread
  • I did manage to get some yard work done - as things started to dry out.  Rain coming again today!
  • When I got to p/u the Blazer - I did stop to get G's scripts at WM (he was out).  3 scripts of 90 days each was $45 total.  Not bad at all.
  • All the usual stuff - making tea, meals from home, cold water laundry, etc.
Meals this past week:
Baked fish, oven fries and home canned slaw
Southern stroganoff (spicy & made with ground beef) green beans
Pork chops, fried hominy w/onions & peppers
Cold sandwiches, cheese spread & crackers and chips
Mexican crunch wraps
Poor man's Swiss steak and mashed pots
Fried chicken and potato salad

                                                               Mexican crunch wraps

It sure is amazing how lost one feels when there is no handy dandy vehicle to jump into sitting in the drive!  It is a bit humbling, but it also proves that we don't have to be on the go all the time.

How was your week?  Did you get any deals?
How is spring (or fall depending on where you live) starting out?

I pray that you each have health and healing for you and your families.  Stay safe and stay frugal.
Blessings from our humble home to yours.

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