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Is Demi Lovato's Ghosting Story All About Niall Horan?

Demi Lovato ghosted Niall Horan story videoWe had a little trip down memory lane this week, back to a far away time (not really) when One Direction's Niall Horan was totally crushing on Demi Lovato and the two even got pretty chummy.

Of course, the dating rumors swirled but nothing materialized from the whole thing except some details that they would Skype each other.

Whatever, no big deal.

Fast forward to this week, however, and that little piece of history plays a big role in a story Demi told on Girl Code Live about how she ghosted a guy, who turned out to be kind of a Skype stalker.

Demi explained, "Sometimes people don't take the hint. It's like, after saying, 'Hmm, I'm not really into it, please leave me alone, stop Skypeing me every time I turn the computer on'...I've actually had a situation where I think somebody had an alarm set on their phone. They would Skype me every time."

She added, "I told them basically, 'Hey, I am not interested. Please leave me alone.' And then, yeah, they kind of took the hint, I guess. And then I changed my number and completely ignored them."

As for WHO this guy is, she did say, "I wasn't even dating him. That's the thing...Like, if you knew who it was...he is not a stalker."

So, connect the dots - Niall and Demi used to Skype...and now she's talking about trying to shake some guy who would Skype her all the time. And. Well. You can see why some people totally think it's Niall.

Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't.

So...Niall then? Or nope?

via Source

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