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Blue tribal dress

Dress: Forever 21 // Purse: Kate Spade (similar in black) // Sandals: Forever 21 similar// 
Necklace: Tiffany and Co // Watch: Michael Kors

Happy first day of July everyone! I can't believe the year is half way over, crazy right? Now, how many of us are still sticking to our New Year's resolutions? I know I've been slacking on and off with mine, but at least I'm still working on it! 

Now, on to this dress. I love how versatile it is! You can wear it with sandals for a casual every day look or add some wedges for a dinner look. I actually wore this dress for my brother's graduation (picture shown below). I'm usually not one to wear an outfit repeatedly within a two week's time span so wearing this dress twice in two weeks is kind of a big thing. Okay, maybe not that big of a thing, point is I really like this dress. 
My brother's high school graduation. He's growing up too fast! *tears*

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